Ā Teaching Tips

Metacognition Tip 2. Let's Talk About It!

Dr. Jeanne L. Paynter

As we saw in Tip 1, metacognition is “above and beyond” thinking. We use metacognition when we ponder: “What is the best way to solve this problem? Am I...

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Metacognition Tip 1. Define It!

Dr. Jeanne L. Paynter

“Stop, look, and listen before you cross the street.” This is an early example of how we teach children metacognition: literally, thinking about (our) thinking....

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Persistence Tip 4. Tell Persistence Stories

Dr. Jeanne L. Paynter

I’m excited to share an instructional strategy you can use to help students to question the validity of their negative persistence stories or strengthen their positive...

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Persistence Tip 3. Nurture a Persistence Mindset

Dr. Jeanne L. Paynter 

Why do some learners have negative mindsets about their aptitude for persistence

Traumatic experiences are likely to result in wrong “cause and...

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Persistence Tip 2. Overwrite Wrong Mindsets with Right Ones

Dr. Jeanne L. Paynter

I’ve been reading a new book, Mind Your Mindsets, and discovered something about our marvelous brain: It continually seeks to make meaning from our memories and...

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