Ā Teaching Tips

Creativity Tip 4. Teach and Assess Creativity

I know you understand the importance of creativity as a 21st century skill for all graduates. In the past three Creativity Tips, I’ve shared ways we can develop it using the...

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Creativity Tip 2. What's the Real Problem?

Creativity Tip #1 introduced Creative Problem Solving (CPS) as a process to apply creative thinking in a unique and useful product, idea, or service— in other words, to innovate. The creative...

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That Healthy CURIOSITY!

Q: What capacity doesn’t diminish over our lifetime?

A: Our capacity for curiosity!

Children are naturally curious, aren’t they? Their motivation is to explore, question, and imagine....

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Challenge Every Child

Nurturing talent in children isĀ Ā marathon, not a sprint. Weā€™ll guide you to the finish line with weekly bite-sized advice.

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